2,363,023 anuncios con 10,255,543 fotos verificadas

Information for the DMCA

Last modified: June 4, 2024

Putas VIP México and their associated sites* are ads for the Mexican users hosting, we do not interfere with the creation, modification or elimination of hosted ads. The users are verificated people by photos, email and cellphone number (that cannot be repeated, is unique) with a unique ID system, therefore the users are not robots, its real people.
Some images used on Putas VIP México and their associated sites* (page static sites) are taken from the web and believed to be in the public domain. The other ones are provided for the users (in each ad), they are the original owners and responsible for the use of their photos or any multimedia file.
Putas VIP México and their associated sites* does not claim ownership of any of the pictures displayed on this site unless stated otherwise.
Each registered user is free to upload any photo or any multimedia file and the user is responsible for their hosting, advertising, streaming or any other action.
Putas VIP México and their associated sites* NOT has cloned, clone, either will clone content of other sites. Putas VIP México and their associated sites* respect the copyright of the texts, photographs, audios, videos or any other multimedia file which we do not own.
If any texts, images or any multimedia file posted here are in violation of copyright law, please contact us at the email and we will gladly remove the offending texts, images or media file immediately upon receipt of valid proof of copyright infringement by the respective owner.
All pictures and any multimedia file copyright to their respective owner(s).
Putas VIP México and their associated sites* offer available to the regulatory authorities of copyrights any information that is required of them to clarify any doubts and resolve any problems derived from the publication of the multimedia contents that are hosted.
Putas VIP México grant all of their copyrights to its associated sites* without any conditions, limitations or any other restrictions.

Usuarios en línea: 732,525

Putas VIP México ha verificado los datos personales, identificaciones y las fotografías de cada anunciante, sin embargo no interviene en la contratación de servicios, ni cobra por los mismos. Cada anunciante declara ser mayor de edad, ofrece sus servicios por su propia voluntad y reciben su cobro a según su critero.

Putas VIP México no recibe pago alguno, no somos agencia ni lucra con los servicios prestados por los anunciantes. Únicamente proveemos el hosting (espacio en un servidor web) para los anuncios de los publicadores.

Putas VIP México niega rotundamente cualquier relación entre usuarios consumidores y anunciantes.
